
Fallout 76 character customization
Fallout 76 character customization

This falls into two roughly equal segments: visual and mechanical. What I have apparently become addicted to is creating unique and interesting characters. Story matters, but I find the stories in most games weak in comparison to most books, so that's a secondary concern. Here's what I'm looking for in a RPG (or any game, really):Ī very large part of why I play RPG's is for their character customization - it's not the only consideration, but it is almost always the deciding factor in buying a new game (of late, the only "new" game I've purchased is Skyrim - with which I was disappointed in the character customization options, but it was better than average).

fallout 76 character customization

This way when it doesn't meet my requirements I can simply resume grumbling to myself, and I'm only out my donation money instead of potential years of self-loathing and regret. I'm posting it here because if I don't, and this game fails to reach the admittedly high bar I set on this topic, I'll have only myself to blame for never having tried to make a difference.

fallout 76 character customization

This is a personal rant, and I say rant because it comes entirely from an emotional need I posses for which I have no logical explanation.

fallout 76 character customization

I know that I am odd in this regard, which is why I make no claims that my view is in any way representative of the population present on these forums or elsewhere.

Fallout 76 character customization